Saturday 6 March 2021

Seize Your Love with the moments of Truth

We are collectively transforming in every now moment!

The more we are aware of and awake to the Truth that We Are All - Love.
The quicker we'll rise to our harmonic energy vibration. Since I've decided to share most of my stored materials over the last 8+ years, I can clearly see how the waking up to my Inner Knowing and Truth has rapidly speeded up. This moments I've captured January 2019 when the momentum of communicating with my Higher Self and Other Higher Beings speeded up so intensively, that I could hardly keep it up with the downloads and information I was receiving. Anyway, as always I suggest to all of you Light workers, Truth bringers, Star seeds, Warriors and Earth Engels...Sisters and Brothers, keep adding and sharing your Love in Truth! We are already in 5D and our Higher Selves are sending back our memories into the 3D to assist and help the ones who are on their ways to fully awake. Yes, We Are ONE and All made of LOVE ! Milena and Loveritas sending Love Your way ... and beyond.

Sunday 26 July 2020

Take Your #Shadow for a walk! - #Creative Self #Empowerment

Is in The Shadow where the deep fears have found its safe’ space. There where we don’t think we shall find the answers, just there behind our back.

Not to doubt, it’s where or subconscious mind has painted its story never told to our consciousness.
Take Your Shadow for a friendly walk, embrace its darkness and it’s trickster behaviors.

Be-Friend that part of You, not liked by You nor by anyone who has seen it.
One walk hand in hand will do a miracle to your Self Love.

Talk to It, have fun with It, laugh with It, don’t judge It ….and It will Love you back!

In Truth and Love


Friday 3 July 2020

Spiritual Hygiene - #Creative Flow, #Crystals, #Auric Field, #Nature and...

As we are living in uncertain and unpredictable times, one of the most important thing is to Know How to Be centered in What/Who We Are and even more important to Know How we can maintain that state of Being-ness.

Spiritual Hygiene is only one of the expression for taking care of our Soul's needs, being aware of our Thought process, being in control over our Emotional Body and Nourish our Physical Body intentionally and consciously.

Bringing it all together in alignment and equilibrium in such a challenging times, is not easy for anyone who can See, Sense and Feel the Shift we are going through Globally.

However, with our awareness , determination and deep Inner Will Power we are creating not only shift within ourselves , but in the World we live in.

Don't let Fear, Despair and Insecurities betray you and keep you stuck and hopeless! This is perfect timing for All of Us to stand Up, Rise Up and Take the full charge of What/Who We Truly Are.

The Spiritual battle is not over , the freedom is not fully gained yet. So, bring the Best version of yourselves forward and rise above the illusion They' are holding Us in.

Many awakened Souls and empowered brothers and sister are here to support, guide and inspire our awakening progress. So I kindly suggest to invest your time wisely and hear what our Spiritual Family have to share.

In Truth and Love from Loveritas

Saturday 9 May 2020

Collective Creative Energy Update - Aftereffect of Full Moon in Scorpio...

This morning at the river 

After few months of intense and trans-formative energies, this Full Moon in Scorpio catapulted me into an different state of being.

I woke up with serine feeling of - All is perfectly as it should be.

In this download you will find how I navigate the creative energy flow during the challenges and our Global chaos' we are experiencing collectively.

Sending much Love your way!

Wednesday 6 May 2020

10 Don'ts in Life - Visual Poem

This morning I woke up with unusual sadness within my heart.

The thoughts started rising like a rushing river , I took the lap top and started writing ...from writing to finding the images of the moments in my life where I've felt exactly the same.
Short after, here is what comes out of it...simple visual expression of my early morning start.

Don’t hold back your tears,
They are like a bird in the cage of your Inner Child.

Don’t hold back on your voice
It’s the breath of air to Your Heart.

Don’t hold back on your smiles
They are the Sunshine to your Soul.

Don’t hold back on your Truth
It’s the bridge to your freedom.

Don’t turn back to yourself,
It’s your only friend when everyone leaves you.

Don’t hold back on saying No,
It’s the Yes to who You truly are.

Don’t hold back on your Dreams
It’s the way to your awakening.

Don’t hold back on Loving yourself
It’s your first True Love.

Don’t hold back on your life
It’s the only one you have Now.


Sunday 3 May 2020

The Power of Feelings, Deep Love and Reunion - My Video #Dairy


I remember every color of every flower, I remember the birds songs as I'm hiring them now, I remember the wind dancing with the river ...I re-member it All !

I'm having It All in my Heart's Eyes !

But more than anything I FEEL the same energetic pull that has never left me.
This very same feelings , broth to my heart so many peaceful and calming moments in my meditations that no words would be enough to express my gratefulness and appreciation for having the opportunity to physically re-connect to the field of Peace, Joy and Deep Love!
Thank you for being here, allowing me to share the sparks of my feelings with You.

Much Love from Mother Gaia and


Tuesday 24 September 2019

To Be and Do The Change or To DIE! 44 Days to Create Mega Transformation

                       To Be and Do The Change or To Die

This Is It - The Ultimate Lifetime Transformation is happening NOW!

Not only for me but for Us collectively, we are more and more aware of our freedom to choose what we're changing and claim back our power to co-create our Future/Now Self.

The changes we're seeking to see in the world starts with our deep, core transformation within. Every day we change whether we are aware of it or not. Taking full charge in responsibility for our actions and choices is the Must for our collective shift to happen.

No matter what our circumstances are, or how long we have been working on our personal change, healing and/or we are already on the path of being of service to others.

Our collective timeline is guiding us to make the change as we never did before.

"Milena, You will Do Your Ultimate Life Change or - righter DIE !!"

To dive deepest we can, within our Hearts and eliminate all the judgment, blame, insecurities, self-doubt, fears ... and anything else that has prevented our full potential, To Be The Change!
On the 30th of August 2019, I woke up and said to myself :

And I did mean It.

To do so, I've dedicated a 44 Days of intensive care, healing, nourishment, exercises and leaving no thought under the vail of my past, leaving no fear in my heart.

Not the change that lasts till our next shake-up, a moment of weakness or external influence on our path. But The Change that is unshakable no matter what sacrifices we'll need to make or challenges we'll need to face - I speak of the change that is a Re-Birth and in alignment with our New/Re-invented Self.
That was it. After years if not decades of self-imposed mental games, victimhood mindsets, emotional pain, trauma healings, addiction to tobacco and all of the rest which I didn't know I needed to work on - it strikes me with such a powerful realization that I would righter Die than remain obedient to my past believes and habitual thinking.
It might sound easy ( for some even cliche), just because we have heard those words many times before.

Is not, is not easy at all to bitt and change habits we care within for years or decades as most of us did. Is not easy to transform engraved believes that we're running on for a lifetime or even more. Is not easy, but is much harder living in an open cage of our unsolved emotions, fears, and addictions.
By taking the courage to jump into the unknown territory of all possibilities, we are reclaiming and owning our Ultimate Creative Power to DO and BE The Best, Most Unique version of who we are.

I do believe, that the transformation on our individual core level ( if we are aware of its power and depth ) we are directly influencing the same transformation on our collective level. Which in fact, it is my inner calling to do more and to do it better - as having a good life for myself and my family is NOT enough and will never be.

No matter how small or big the change within our personal lives, the impact on the World at large is always much greater than we could ever fully understand.

Yet, with a courageous heart, compassion for self and others and Integrated will power to Be The Change - We Are co-creating collective paradigm shift on a global level.

However, I did found great support from many amazing and creative minds available to learn from. Below are the links for those of you who are curious to do some serious deep work on themselves.

So, I invite you to do our personal Ultimate Lifetime Change TOGETHER and to keep doing it not only for ourselves but for our new generations to live their lives in harmony, peace, love and exponential growth.

Even though some of us are solo travelers through life, some are not in the position to have support from our families or friends. Still, we are not alone and we are as much supported if we open our eyes to see it and find the support we need.

For me its a collection of some of the greatest teachers and healers available for all of us on the internet. I have been my own mentor, coach, healer, therapist, a friend for the last 15 years.

.... and the list goes on and on.

We are truly Never Alone and we do have support from the entire world if are willing to look for it.

Thank you for being here and I hope you have found something that inspired you, or at least triggered a spark to create your own Ultimate Lifetime Change!

Till our next connection, much Love and big Smiles.
